The smooth-running PÖTTINGER rakes with perfect ground tracking and extreme manoeuvrability meet the demands of the industry. Raking with the lowest levels of disintegration and minimum contamination delivers an energy-rich crop and a cost-effective feed basis.

Top quality forage is achieved when the mowing is carried out at the right time and the drying is fast enough in wide, fluffy swaths. If manure is spread on the growing grass, there is a risk of the silage becoming polluted from manure remains and microbes. When the swaths are not dragged across the soil, the risk of contamination is reduced significantly. The production of silage has many critical stages. This is why a lifting swather or tedder is the safest choice.
ELHO's famous rotor rake came on the market in 1975. Since then, over 15,000 of them have been manufactured for satisfied customers. Success has continued in the 21st century with the swathers with angled rotors. ELHO Twin swathers lift the forage and move it in the air to keep the forage first class.

The Sitrex Pull - Type V- Rake is a medium size V-Rake. This machine is designed to obtain a maximum working width of 23'3" and windrows widths adjustable from 3" to 5'. The drawbar and the opening system are mounted over the wheels this allows to make a windrow without hindrances with the components of the machine. All rake wheels are spring-load lifted independently and this allows the machine to follow the ground contours. Tines are made of special steel with 7mm. diameter. Tines pick up the hay making fluffy windrows very suitable for baling.
A double hydraulic system, tractor driven, controls both the wheels lift and the machine total or partial opening and closing.
On the hydraulic cylinder, which controls the opening and closing of the machine, is mounted a locking valve to maintain the required working width. Even in case of pipe breaking the machine remains in the same position which has been set.